
Visit to the Mismi, headwaters of the Amazon River


Full Day

Type of Tour



5,597 msnm.




You've no doubt heard of the Amazon River, but have you heard of the Mismi? The Mismi is a mountain peak located in the Andes Mountains near Arequipa (Peru), about 160 kilometers west of Lake Titicaca, and was recently identified as the farthest source of the Amazon River. It is also one of the highest points near the Colca Canyon. While the river does not flow directly into the Amazon, it flows into the Qarwasanta and Apachita, and then into the Apurimac River which eventually joins the Marañon River to reach the Amazon River.

The Mismi mountain, thanks to these high-profile discoveries, is becoming a popular destination for trekkers and mountaineers looking to visit remote destinations.

But it can also be reached by wheels, with a 4×4 van from Chivay on a full-day excursion.

What begins as a trickle of water from a cliff in the Peruvian Andes turns into the world's largest river, the mighty Amazon.

The most outstanding
  • Meet the farthest source of the Amazon River
  • Popular destination for trekkers and mountaineers
  • One of the most impressive places to visit
  • The present nature


$ 135.00

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